"Ferbas hrana osvježenje dana" "Ferbas food puts you in the better mood"
Vježbenička tvrtka Ferbas osnovana je u rujnu 2017.godine.
Djelatnost Ferbasa jest prodaja zdrave hrane.
Naša tvrtka broji 11 zaposlenika.
Asortiman naše tvrtke sadrži 18 proizvoda.
Svoje poslovanje razvijamo kroz samostalni razvoj kompanije, transparentni odnos s poslovnim partnerima i zajednicom. Svjesni svog utjecaja na potrošače nastojimo im približiti važnost zdrave prehrane i prednosti naših proizvoda. Stoga kroz vođenje naših stranica na društvenim mrežama na kojima smo svakodnevno aktivni nudimo priliku upoznati kupce s našim proizvodima, educiramo ih o nužnosti zdrave ishrane i pružamo savjete o zdravijem načinu života.
Wholesale of healthy food.
Our company has 11 employees.
Our company's assortment contains 18 products.
We develop our business through continuous improvement of our company, transparent relationship with consumers and our bussines partners.
Aware of our influence on consumers, we strive to bring them closer to the importance of healthy eating and the benefits of our products. Therefore, through the management of our social network sites where we are active every day we offer the opportunity to meet customers with our products, educate them about the necessity of healthy nutrition and provide advice of a healthier way of life.